How to set up WiFi login Captive portal and wifi marketing
How to set up WiFi login Captive portal and wifi marketing - to use the WiFi login service with social media on your Mikrotik you need several configurations as follows
Basic Config
- Standard Mikrotik hotspot settings
- Enter the menu System > Scripts
- Add Script
- Enter the following script in the source section
/file set "hotspot/login.html" contents="<html>
<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=\$(mac)&ip=\$(ip)&link-orig=\$(link-orig)&link-login-only=\$(link-login-only)&res=notyet&host=\$(server-name)&error=\$(error)&username=\$(username)\" />
<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">
<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"-1\">
</html>" - Klik Apply
- Click Run Script
Walled Garden Non Whatsapp
- Download the walled garden configuration file here
- Import to router import file-name="walledgardenbasic.rsc"
- Or you can also copy the basic walled garden content file above then paste it into the terminal on your Winbox
Walled Garden With Whatsapp
- Download the walled garden configuration file here
- Import to router import file-name="walledgardenwhatsapp.rsc"
- Or you can also copy the file contained in the WhatsApp walled garden above then paste it into the terminal in your Winbox
After doing the basic configuration, we move on to the next stage
- Change the hotspot server name, default hotspot1 becomes MAC address, the MAC address used is according to the interface used, if wireless uses WLAN1
Add Authentication Type
Open the sharkwifi dashboard via
Login with the username and password that you got when ordering from
Go to the location menu, click add new
Enter your WiFi MAC address
Click add new location
That's more or less how to set up WiFi login with social media on Mikrotik, then just set your router's network and route.
If you need help, please contact us, for the Wifi Login With Social Media service from sharkwifi, we will help you set it up via a free remote application.